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जापानको बिशिष्ट गुणस्तरीयता

 जापानको बिशिष्ट गुणस्तरीयता जापानको सामानप्रतिको विश्वासनीयता र चाईनीज पर्यटकहरुको संख्यामा बृद्धि भएकोले पर्यटकका रुपमा आएका चाईनीजहरुले मेड ईन जापानको सामानहरु धेरै खरीद गर्छन् । अर्को रोचक तथ्य भनेको मेड ईन चाईनानै भए पनि जापानमा खरिद गर्छन् ।  जापान घुम्न आउने पर्यटकको लागि उपभोग्य सामानमा खर्च गर्न मेड ईन जापानको बस्तुमा कमि छैन् । जापानको सामान मन पराउने विदेशी पर्यटकहरु मेड ईन जापानको गुणस्तरीयतामा सुरक्षित महसुस गर्छन् । खद्रा पसल ( जापानको उत्पादन हो ) मा चाईनीज पर्यटकहरुको खरिद गर्नको लागि भीड लाग्छ तर ती सामानहरु मध्ये वास्तवमा थोरै पनि  मेड ईन चाईनाको हुदैन् ।  यसकुराबाट पनि जापनीज सामानहरु सुरक्षित हुन्छ भन्ने कुरामा विश्वास गर्दै खरिद गर्ने पर्यटकहरुको संख्या बृद्धि पछि सम्म पनि रोकिदैन् । सामान एउटै भएपनि आफ्नो देशमा खरिद गर्नुको सट्टा जापानमा खरिद गर्छन् किनभने यहाँ पर्यटकहरुलाई कर छुट दिईन्छ । त्यसैले पनि धेरै खरिद गर्छन् । मेड ईन जापानको बिशिष्ट गुणस्तरीयता विश्वबजारमा कहिल्यै पनि तल झर्दैन ।

इन्टेल अघि बढीरहेको छ

नहिच्किचाईकन लगानी गर्ने क्षमताले इन्टेल अघि बढीरहेको छ ।  बिश्व टिभी बजारमा १३ बर्ष सम्म लगातार प्रथम स्थानमा सामसुङ्ग ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स रहेको थियो । कोरीयाको सामसुङ्ग ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स र एलजी ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स बिश्व टिभी बजारमा बलियो थियो । ठुलो आकार र उच्च मुल्य भएर पनि कम्पनीको रणनीतीको कारणले सफल भएको भनेर चिनिन्छ । १९८०—१९९० को मध्य भन्दा पहिलाको चरणमा जापानकोे प्रतिनिधि गर्ने कम्पनीहरु सोनी, सियापु, पानासोनिक आदीले उच्च स्थान हासिल गर्ने क्रम रोकिएको थियो । यो दशको मध्यमा सामसुङ्ग ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स उदायर आयो । यसको कारण भनेको टिभीमा ठोस सफलता प्राप्त भएकोले हो । विश्वको ठोस अवस्थामा अमेरीकाले लामो समय देखि बल प्रयोग गरेर अधिनन्थ गरि रहेको छ । जापानमा पनि तोसिवा ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्स बलियो थियो तर सन् २०१७ मा ईन्टेल आएपछि सामसुङ्ग ईलेक्ट्रोनिक्सको बिक्रि धेरै भयो र प्रथम स्थान हासिल ग¥यो ।

ठुलो कम्पनीमा भन्दा कम संबेदनशील भएको जापान

ठुलो कम्पनीमा भन्दा कम संबेदनशील भएको जापान सिलीकनभ्यालीमा आधार भएको बिश्वव्यापी कम्पनीहरुको नाम गुगल, एप्पल, फेसबुक, याहु र इनटेल हुन् । सिलीकनभ्यालीले स्वतन्त्र रुपमा निष्पक्ष छाप बोकेको छ तर जापानको कम्पनीहरुको उपस्थिती कम छ । टोयोटा, होण्डा र निस्सानको सिलीकनभ्यालीमा अनुसन्धान केन्द्र छ तर प्रमुख कम्पनीहरु भन्दा ढिलो भएको छ । जापानका कम्पनीहरु प्रस्तिस्पर्धा गर्नु भन्दा पनि सुचनाहरु संकलन गर्नको लागि सिलीकनभ्यालीमा आएको केश धेरै भएको भनेर भनिन्छ । अमेरीका भएकोले सिलीकनभ्याली पनि स्वभाविक रुपमा राष्ट्रिय सहर  हो ।प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्ने आत्माबल नभएका व्याक्तिहरु पछाडी पर्नेछन् । नयाँ बिजनेश मोडल लिएर नयाँ कम्पनीको प्रचारप्रसार गर्ने कम्पनीहरु जापानमा अध्याधिक कम भएकाले पनि ढिलो हुनु एउटा कारण हो । साबधानिपुर्वक, असफल हुन नचाहाने जापानीजहरुको अन्र्तमुखी व्याक्तित्वले सिलीकनभ्यालीमा प्रगति सुरक्षित हुन्छ भन्न सकिदैन ।  

आगोलागीबाट जलेको शुरी महल

आगोलागीबाट जलेको शुरी महल फेरी एकपटक पुननिर्माण होस् भन्ने चाहान्छौ । १९, कार्तिक ः ओकीनवा प्रान्तको नाह नगरपालीकामा अवस्थित शुरी महल ई.स.२०१९ नोबेम्वर १ मध्यरात करिव २ बजेको समय तिर आगोमा परिणत भयो । जलेको महल फेरी एकपटक पुननिर्माण गर्नको लागि विभिन्न ठाँऊबाट रकम संकलन गरीदै छ । कुमामोतो प्रान्तको प्रान्त कार्यालयमा दान पेटी राखीएको छ । उक्त प्रान्तको गभर्नरले, “ कुमामोतोका जनताको भावना ओकीनवा सम्म पु¥याउन ” रकम संकलन गरेको बताऊनु भयो । त्यस्तै, शुरी महल जस्तै बिश्वसम्पदा सुचीमा सुचीकृत वागायामा प्रान्तको कोउया नगरमा  अवस्थित मन्दिरमा पनि रकम संकलन भईरहेको छ ।

बिश्वबिद्यालयको प्रबेश परिक्षा

शैक्षिकसत्र २०२० मा बिश्वबिद्यालयको प्रबेश परिक्षामा निजी कम्पनीले लिने अंग्रजीको परीक्षाको परीक्षाफल प्रयोग गरीदैन । शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले शैक्षिकसत्र २०२० बाट बिश्वबिद्यालय प्रवेशको लागि परीक्षाको ढाँचा परिर्वतन गरेको छ । अंग्रजीको परीक्षामा नीजी कम्पनीले संचालन गर्दै आएको एईकन, टोईफल, आईबिटी आदी पढेर र सुनेर उत्तर दिने प्रश्नहरु थियो । यस शैक्षिकसत्रबाट संवादको क्षमातालाई महत्व दिदै बोलेर र लेखेर उत्तर दिने प्रश्न भएको नीजी कम्पनीले लिने परिक्षा लागु गरीने भएको छ । सबैलाई समान रुपमा सुरक्षितसंग परीक्षामा सहभागी हुनको लागि पुर्ण तयारी भएको छैन । शैक्षिकसत्र २०२० मा नीजी कम्पनीले लिने परीक्षा प्रयोग हुदैन । नयाँ शैक्षिकसत्रको लागि परीक्षाको तयारी गरिने छ भन्ने कुरा शिक्षा मन्त्रि हागिउदाले बताउनु भयो । परीक्षाको प्रणालि आदि बारे प्रयाप्त सुचना प्राप्त भएकोले शैक्षिकसत्र २०२०मा यो नियम लागु नहोस् भन्ने कुरा उच्च माध्यामिक बिद्यालयका प्रध्यापकहरुले बताउनु भयो । साभार nhknews


人に褒める 人は褒められたり期待されたりすると、もっと頑張ってみようという気持ちになるようだ。子育ておいても、学校教育の中でも、仕事の世界でもそれが言えるだろう。 この子はできるはずだと信じること、期待されることによって、実際に能力が伸びる現象を「ぴくマリオン効果」と言う。期待すること、褒めることが本人の「やる気」を引き出すのだ。例えば、幼児、のさんたちに「一般に子供は何歳ぐらいで一人で靴が履けるようになると思いますか?」自分でふくを着られるようになるのは何歳ぐらいと思いますが」などと聞いてみる。他人のお母さんより早い期待にそれができるようになると思っているお母さんの子供は、実際に早い段階でそのことができるようになるけいこうが見られるという。これも、「ピグマリオン効果」いえるだろう。 本人の負担になるような期待や褒めすぎはかんがえものだが、「どうせだめなんだ」と決めつけるより、有望だと信じること、期待することの大切さを考えてくれる言葉ではないだろう。


安全な人暮らしいのために注意しましょう 家に帰ってドアを開ける時に 一人暮らしいをしていることがわかると危険です。まるで家族が待っているように「ただいま」と言うながらドアを開けるようにしましょう。ほかにも、であを開ける前にベルを押し、誰かを訪ねてできたようにするのも効果があります。 泥棒にあったら もしも、室内に泥棒がいたらどうしますか?例えば、マンションでは泥棒の逃げ道は玄関のドア、または窓しかありません。早くどろぼうが逃げられるようにし、追いかけないようにしましょう。


生物の力 生き物が不思議な力がある。例えば、植物は生きる力がとてもつよい。切り取った茎を土にさして置くだけで、あっという間に元の大きさに成長することもあるほどだ。動物にも似だことだ起こる。トカゲのしっぱやカニのハサミは、なくなると新しい生えてくる。しかし、人間の指はなくなると二度元に戻らない。ただ、髪の毛や爪はきってもまた伸びる。このように、生き物に切り取られた体の一部を元に戻す力があるだ。


部屋を片付けましょう 部屋を片付けるのが苦手な人は、物をl待ちすぎていることが多い。片付けるポイントは、物に指定席を作ること。使ったらすぐ指定席に戻すようにすれば、あっちこっちに散らかることもなくなる。また、指定席のスすースを作るには、要らない物を捨てることも必要だ。自分の部屋に入る分だけを、見やすく、出やすくしまうこと。こうすれば、足りないものもすぐわかるし、同じような物を買ったりする無駄な買い物も防げるだろう。


खाद्यान्न  मेरो देश ८० प्रतिशत भन्दा बढी कृषि पेशामा आवद्ध छन् । यसको मतलव यो हो की राज्यको तथ्याङ्क गलत छ । राज्यले प्रत्यक घरमा भएको बेरोजगारहरुलाई पनी कृषि पेशामा आवद्ध गरायौ । अनि उता बेरोजगारीको तथ्याङमा पनी कृषिमा अवद्ध भएका हरुलाई गरायौ । यदि असि प्रतिशत कृषिमा आवद्ध भए भने लगभग बिस प्रतिशत मानिस मात्र बरोजगार हुने भए । बिस प्रतिशत भन्दा कम त प्राय सबै मुलुकहरुमा बेरोजगार हुन्छन । त्यसैले राज्यको तथ्याङ गलत छ भन्ने मेरो बुझाई छ । मलाई एउटा कुरा बुझ्न मन लाग्छ । यी सरकारी निकायहरुलै यो बर्ष यति धान, तौरी, गहू, मकै आदि उत्पादन हुन्छ भनेर भन्छन । यीनीहरुले यति यकीनको साथ कसरी भन्छन भनेर जान्नमन छ । झापामा खेडेरी पर्यो भनेर धानको उत्पादन घट्ने र झरी पर्यो भनेर बढ्ने हुन्छ र । सरकारी निकायले प्रकाशन गर्ने खाद्यान्नकौ तथ्याङ सबै आधारहीन हो ।

Read for the Race

Read for the Race The Big Race was tomorrow. He would be completing with people from other schools. it was his frist big race. he was worried but he was also exited. he was the fastest boy in his school. and he had been training for months . he had been running for a long time. he joined track when he was in middle school. he loved running. he ran every where. he ran to school in the market   to pick grpceries. he ran to school in the mornings . he ran back home after school. he ran to his friends house his friends lived far away. he did not mind runnyny. running was his passion . it was the night before the race. he had a good night sleep. ithe morning he woke up ready. the race was in a couple of fours. he gout ready. he was not nervous any moure . he was prepared to race.


Regret MAMZELLE AURLEIE possessed a good strong figure, ruddy cheeks, hair that was changing from brown to ray, and a determined eye. She oore a man’s hat about the farm, and an old blue army overcoat when it was cold, and sometimes top-boots. Mamzelle Aurlie had never tought of marrying. She had vever been in love. At the age of twenty she had received a proposal, which she had promptly declined, and at the age of tifty sae had not yet lived to regret it. So she was quite alone in the world, except for her dog ponto, and the negroes who lived in her cabins and worked her crops, and the fowls, a few cows, a couple of mules, her gun( with wich she shot chicken-hawks) , and her religion. One morning Mamizelle Aurlie stood upon her gallery, contemplating, with arms akimbo, a small band of very small children who , to all intents and purposes, might have fallen from the clouds, so unexpected and bewildering was their coming, and so unwelcome. They were the children of h...


が早いか ·          海外両行に出発の日、山田さんは空港に着くが早いが、コンビニにかけこんだ。 ·          うちの子はいつも学校から帰っってきてかパンを放りだすが早いか、遊びに行ってしまう。 ·          今朝、寝坊した妻は、朝ご飯を口に押し込むが早いか、玄関を出て行った。 ·          話題のその本は、店頭に並べられたが早いか、飛ぶように売れていった。

सडको बिस्तार

सडको बिस्तार पहाडी तथा हिमाली ईलाकामा सडककौ बिस्तारको लागी ध्यायन दिनुपर्नै कुराहरु निम्न छन् । सडकहरु सुरक्षीत र सिमित बनाई पर्दछ । मैरौ गाउ जाने सडको उदाहरण दिन चाहान्छु । मेरो गाउ सदरमुकामबाट लगभग ५।६ घण्टाको हिडाई पछी पुगिन्थ्यौ । तर अहिले सदरमुकामबाट २।३ घण्टाको बसको यात्रा पछि पुगिन्छ । अनुमानित सडकको लम्बाई जम्मा तीस चालिस किमि छ । तर पनि समय यति धैरै लाग्छ । सडकको अवस्थाको कुरा गर्ने हौ भने त ठुला भारबाहन साधन त चल्नै सक्दैन । यो बाटो दरौदि नदीको किनारैकिनार भएर बग्छ । म ५।६ पढ्दाको समयबाट यो बाटोमा बस चल्न सुरु भएको थियो । अहिले म २५ हुदा सम्म पनि पक्कि सडक बन्न सकेको छैन । तर उक्त बाटोमा जोडिने सडकको शाखा भने अनगिन्ति भईसकैको छ । यो सडकमा बर्षायाममा गडी चल्न समैत सास्ति हुन्छ । शाखा सडकहरु त मात्रको सडक हुन बर्खामा भललै बगाउछ अनी गाई बस्तु हिडाउन नी असजिलौ हुन्छ 

जल बिद्युत

जल बिद्युत ठुला आयोजना निर्माण गर्न समय र बजैट धरै लाग्छ । त्यसैले लघु जल बिद्युत आयोजनामा सरकारले ध्यान दिनु पर्छ । थौरै लगानी चाडै सम्पन्न र पहाडी तथा हिमाली क्षेत्रको बिद्युतको मागको पुर्ती पनि हुन्छ । देशमा पहाडी तथा हिमाली क्षैत्रमा अबिरल बगिरहने स साना नदि तथा खोलाहरु प्रशस्त छन् । तीनलाई उपयौग गरी थोरै लगानीमा चाडैनै बिद्युत उत्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ र उक्त क्षैत्रको बिद्युतको माग पनि पुरा हुन्छ । जसले गर्दा तराई तथा तल्लौ भैगमा बिद्युतको माग आपुर्ती गर्न सहज हुन्छ । पहाडी तथा हिमाली भैगमा राष्टिय प्रसारण लाईनबाट बिद्युत आपूर्ती गर्दा चुहावटपनि बढी हुनै र जनसंख्या पनि कम हुनै हुनालै राज्यकौ व्यायभार पनि बढीनै हुन्छ ।

देशको बिकास

देशको बिकास र आत्मानिर्भरताकौ लागी निम्न बुदाहरुमा ध्यान दिई काम गर्नु पर्दछ । १ तराई क्षैत्रमा हुने बाढी र डुवान नियन्त्रयण गर्न नदीकौ उद्गम स्थल देखिनै नियन्त्रण गर्ने र तराईलाई कृषि उत्पादनको क्षैत्र बनाउनै। २ तराई क्षैत्रमा भएको सडकलाई स्तरीय बनाउनै ३ कृषि क्षेत्रको बिचौलीया अन्त्य गर्ने ४ बैकले बिना सुचना व्याज बृद्धि गर्ने परीपाटि अन्त्य गर्नै ५ बस्तु तथा सेवाको मुल्य बृद्धि रोक्ने ६ बांजियको पहाडी क्षेत्रमा पनी मौसम अनुकुल खेति गर्न प्रौत्साहन गर्ने ७ आयात हुने सब्जि , फलफुल अन्न तथा अन्य कृषि उत्पादनहरुको लिष्ट तयार पारी , ठाउ अनुसार कृषि क्षेत्र घोषण गर्ने ८जस्तै पहाडी क्षेत्रमा फलफुल तथा आलु, अदुवा आदी ९ तराई क्ष्ँैत्रमा धान, गहु, फापर, उखु आदी १० सिचाईकौ लागी नहरको व्यवस्था नभए पनी भुमिगत पानीको व्यवस्था गर्नु पर्छ तराई क्षैत्रमा हुने डुवान नियन्त्रण गर्न निम्न कदमहरु आवश्यक पर्दछ । १ डुवान हुने क्षेत्रको पहिचान गर्ने २ पहिचान गरीएको नदि तथा खहरे लाई बाढीकौ बेलामा ठाउठाउ बाट निकास हुने व्यवस्था मिलाउने ३ उद्दग्गम स्थलब...

Scary movie

Scary movie It was night time. He was home using his computer. His friend messaged him. The message was an invitation. He was invited to the theaters. He said yes to the invitation. He shut down his computer. He got ready to leave. He grabbed his wallet and drove to the theaters. His friends were waiting for him.”What movies are we watching?” he asked his friends. They were going to watch a scary movie. He did not like scary movies. He was a big chicken when it came to watching scary movies. He watched the movie anyway. They bought their tickets and went inside. They took their seats. The movie started to play. It was the scariest he had ever seen. Everybody went home. After he got home, he was too scared to sleep. He turned on all his lights. He regretted watching that movie.

The interview

The interview She put on her best shoes. She put on her nicest shirt. She got into her dress pants. She brushed and straightened her hair. She applied her make-up. She sprayed perfume on herself. She was ready for her job interview. She looked in the mirror one more time. She looked professional. She grabbed her purse and walked out the door. She entered her car and drove away. The interview was on the sixth floor of building. She took the elevator. She entered the interview room. She was greeted by four people. They were dressed in suits. The interview began. They asked her hard questions. She answered the best she could. She was confident and friendly. They liked her, she got a job. She was overjoyed.

A large company vs a small company

A large company vs a small company Some people shows special interest in working for a big company, while other are more willing to work for a small ones. Of course, every individual has his own opinion about the strengths and weakness when it comes to serving in a big firm or a small one; for me. My choice is definitely to work a big company. Mow lets use the analysis of swot, which was a slways employed in the field of ecomomics to get the problem solved. Here , s stands for strengths, w for weakness , o for opportunities and t for target. Working for a big company will have manhy advantages for your development in your career, because a big company usually provides more competitions and it demands its employees to be self-educated at the very beginning of becoming one member of the group, or he or she will be dismissed without hestation. For as a big mompany there is always a pool of talents waiting for a positoon to be filled . Besides, in a big company, you will deal with ...


この時代 かって私たちは規制したのは、国家思想とか家の長制家父長度というような、はっきりと目に見える権力とか規制やモラルであったが、今わたしたちを支配しているのは、そのようなはっきりと目に見えるではない。個人主義という美名の裏で、情報という「見えざる手」が大きなてをひろがてういるのである。情報がでんばに乗り、活字を現れ、それによって私たちは動かさせている。そして自分がどこまで動かさせているのかすら、自分で確かめらないほどである。だとすると、現代ほど自分の主体性、価値観を築き上げるのに難しい時代はないである。

A factory in your community

A factory in your community As the company has announced to build a factory right here in our community, I am so eager to say a few words towards this issue. I really think that if the plan is carried out in the near feature finally, there will be much more disadvantages than advantages to be brought to the quality life of our social community. Of course, during these years’s high unemployment rate, introducing of such a large factory will consume unemployed workforce in some respects. A family may employ father during or after the construction of the factory, local government can increase its tax income and retail dealers of our community may sell a little more because of the increasing of population that may be the result of the new build factory. However, all these benefits may seem to be a small when compared with all those disadvantages the new build factory may lead to. The most hateful things is that you may not able to smell the fresh air in the sunny Sunda...

A country from its movies

A country from its movies I believe that every film contains a lot of information about the country where it was made. Usually films show us the great variety of cultural peculiarities about country where they came from. Personally, I have learnt many new things about different countries and their people from watching their movies. I remember, as a child I used to enjoy watching Indian films. It was very exciting experience for a young girl who was fond of Indian songs and the national clothes. Form Indian movies I learnt that the Indian is very rich and colorful. I found about that they are mostly romantic people who love to sing and dance. Also, it was interesting to know that there are different religions and a plethora of ethnic groups in Indian. I would say that I learnt a lot not only about Indian traditions and cultures from watching its films. To tell the truth, Russian movies were very educational for me to. If you watch them carefully, you will probably not...

Ashmita Adhikari - Timro Mayale Badhera Rakha | Official Music Video


Apartment and house

Apartment or House Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reason and details to support your choice. If I was asked where I would I prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building. I think, I would hesitate to answer. This question, from my point of view, is a controversial one. In the following paragraphs I will analyze both these options and present my view. From the one side, living in a modern apartment building brings many benefits. First of all, it is cheaper then living in a traditional house and paying different kinds of fees I am not familiar with. For instance, my friend, who recently bought a new house for his family, said me that it is much easier to live in an apartment and I tend to believe him when I see his bills. So, living in an apartment will definitely help me to save some money. Second of all, since I live alone I did not need a big house with many rooms. I just need...

A Gift to a Child

A Gift to a Child A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice. People learn and develop throughout their entire lives. I think that in our modern world it is very essential to be familiar with computer technology. So, if I had a chance to give a child a gift it would be a computer. I think that computers play an essential role in our lives and they bring many benefits to our society. Moreover, children can learn by use of computers. In the following paragraphs I will give my reason to support my answer. First of all, by use of computers children can play many games, which help to improve children’s ability to think logically, think about their next step, etc. Moreover, playing games develop many important qualities such as attention, patience; persistent, etc. second of all, computers help children to lear...

21st century

21 st century The 21 st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer. Man, through the ages, has undergone any changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. The 20 th century made huge steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. What should we expect in the 21 st century? First of all, I think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another, from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. Second of all, I believe that we will be everywhere including out clothes. Many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold judge amount of information and have a quick access to it. But what will be...

You’re Country Thank You

You’re Country Thank You Jordan wolf signed up for the Army as soon as he graduates from high school. After Jordan took various aptitude tests, the recruiter said that Jordan scored high in electronics. He would receive a stateside assignment in a computer lab, where he would learn to program software and repair electronic hardware. Also, Jordan would receive a $10,000 cash bonus. He attended eight weeks of basic training at Ft. beginning, Georgia. While in training, he talked to is buddies about how he was going to be in a computer lab stateside after basic training. His buddies were amazed, as all of them were going straight to Iraq. They all graduate from basic training on a Friday and spent the weekend getting drunk in nearby Columbus. On Monday morning, the drill sergeant told all of them that their next duty station was Iraq. Jordan told the drill sergeant that there must have been a mistake. “The army doesn’t make mistakes, soldier!” the drill sergeant barked ...

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Bad Dream

Bad Dream “I had another bad dream,” she told her fiancé. “It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled any hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep. “ I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It’s a wonder I didn’t crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can’t take any more dreams like this. We’re going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won’t be jealous anymore, and I won’t have these bad dreams anymore.” “Why didn’t you call me up and tell me about your dream?” he asked. “They say that the more you talk about and dreams, the sooner you’ll stop having them.” ...


森を守ろう 私が残したいのはふるさとの森です。先週、奥多摩という所へあそびに行きました。そこは都会に近いのに、山が多くてびっくりしました。途中に、湧き水を使って日本酒を作っている酒蔵があったので、試飲をさせてもらいました。人口飲んで、なんて美味しいんだろうと思いました。そこの人が「このお酒がおいしいのは森があるからだよ」と教えてくれました。森には雨水を蓄えたり、その地下を通る水をきれいにおいしくしたりする働きがあるそうです。 その話を聞いて、私は自分の国の森のことを思い出しました。今、開発のために、大量に木が切られています。森がなくなってしまったら、雨水を蓄えることはできません。最近、洪水の被害も多くなっています。木を植えればいいという人もいますが、一度なくなった森林が簡単に元に戻る訳がありません。自然が再生するのに、いったいどのぐらいの年月が必要になることだろうと思います。すぐにでも手を打たないと大変なことになるに違いありません。ふるさとの森を残すために私たちにできることは何のだろうかと、改めて考えるようになりました。

A Cleaner River

A Cleaner River The three brothers were sitting on their boat, having a few beers and talking about the good old days. As they talked, they watched the trash float by on the St. James River. Their conversation turned to the trash. “It didn’t use to be like this.” Said Manny. “Remember how we used to go swimming in this river? I wouldn’t put my big toe in this river nowadays. There’s no telling what disease you’d catch. Time was when people knew that trash went into trash cans. Nowadays, the stress, the wood, the public parks, and the lakes and river were just huge trash cans without lids.” “Not to mention the freeways- last night on the radio they reported a refrigerator in lane one and a washing machine in the middle of an off –ramp,” said Moe. “And almost every day drivers have to dodge mattresses, ladders, and tires on the freeways. And what about all the graffiti on the freeway sings.” They all agreed that slobs were making American ulgy. The Jack had an idea....

A Factor Worker

A Factor Worker Many years ago , some women made a meager living by working in a cigarette factory. It was their job to put 20 cigarettes in each pack, by hand. Their manager was a mean old man carried a bamboo rod in his hand. His bodyguard, who accompanied him everywhere, was even meaner. Maura, only 19, was sick. But she knew that if she didn’t go to work, she would lose her job. At the factory that day , she would lose her job. At the factory that day, she stuffed pack after pack of cigarettes. Sweating and dizzy, she left a cigarette out of one pack. The manager noticed her error immediately. He yelled at her and then hit her sharply across her back with the rod. Then the bodyguard kicked her in the stomach. Maura got up and staggered out of the factory. She died at home the next day. The day after Maura died, her coworkers refused to enter the factory. They stood outside. The manager told them to get wo work. He raised his arm as if to strike them, but they st...

A secret message

A secret message Inspector james was at his office that Sunday. There was an urgent case which needed his attention. A thirteen-year old girl had been kidnapped near her home a few days ago. It happened like this, Shirley, the kidnap victim, was walking towards her house when she was kidnapped by four burly men in red a van. Two of the men grabbed the poor girl and carried her into the van which speeds off immediately. A neighbor had witnessed his incident who quickly informed her parents had together lodged a police report. The next day, a ransom note had been sent to her wealthy parents. Demanding a quarter of a million dollars to secure her release. The police were trying all they could to rescue the girl and to apprehend her kidnappers. That Sunday morning, inspector James had received a mysterious message at his office. It was send by mail in a white envelope and written on a plain white A4-size paper. It read The girl is saving for the moment. Hurry or she will be...