A large company vs a small company

A large company vs a small company
Some people shows special interest in working for a big company, while other are more willing to work for a small ones. Of course, every individual has his own opinion about the strengths and weakness when it comes to serving in a big firm or a small one; for me. My choice is definitely to work a big company. Mow lets use the analysis of swot, which was a slways employed in the field of ecomomics to get the problem solved. Here , s stands for strengths, w for weakness , o for opportunities and t for target. Working for a big company will have manhy advantages for your development in your career, because a big company usually provides more competitions and it demands its employees to be self-educated at the very beginning of becoming one member of the group, or he or she will be dismissed without hestation. For as a big mompany there is always a pool of talents waiting for a positoon to be filled .
Besides, in a big company, you will deal with different kinds of people, who are from deffereft provences or even different countries, having various education thus you will be inevitably influenced by multi-culture which is of great importance to a person with he hope of tailoring himself to be a international talent.
Finally ,in a big company you will be given more opportunities to be charged up either at home or aboard and be endwed with more chances to contact with mone elites in the specific fiels. When speaking of the weakness, every thing is a double edged sword. Working for a big company, there mignt me a little chances tor many people to stick out dur to the bluk of talents, but compared with the strengths and the opportunities mentioned above, it can be ignored.
When it come to targe, you as a member of a big company, will be more likely to motoroize your target because of the plentiful recoursces including material resources, as well as human resources. All that I have daid above blils down to conclusion thay if you are a person who craves for competitions and desises to be an international or inte-provincial talent, you should choose the big firms for your future development.


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