Apartment and house

Apartment or House

Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reason and details to support your choice.

If I was asked where I would I prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building. I think, I would hesitate to answer. This question, from my point of view, is a controversial one. In the following paragraphs I will analyze both these options and present my view.

From the one side, living in a modern apartment building brings many benefits. First of all, it is cheaper then living in a traditional house and paying different kinds of fees I am not familiar with. For instance, my friend, who recently bought a new house for his family, said me that it is much easier to live in an apartment and I tend to believe him when I see his bills. So, living in an apartment will definitely help me to save some money. Second of all, since I live alone I did not need a big house with many rooms. I just need a bedroom and a living room where I can take my guests and have many work places. Another important benefit of living in an apartment is that will not have to my much cumbersome furniture in order to furnish all rooms.

However, living in a modern apartment building can have a few disadvantages too. Firstly, it can be noisy and secondly, I will not have any privacy outside my apartment, for example, in a pool or gym.

Form other side, living in a traditional house have some advantages too. For example, I can have my own pool, gym and a garden where I can relax and be alone. However, lining in a house is usually more expensive and requires more time to maintain a house. For instance, I will most likely have to hire someone to mow my lawn and clean my pool not to mention all household tasks inside a house.

I conclusion, I think at this moment I would prefer to live in an apartment. It can help me save some money and allows me t spend m0re time studying because I will not have to do many household task.


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