world country name

 Argentina AR
 Armenia AM
Australia AU
 Austria AT
 Azerbaijan AZ
Belarus BY
 Belgium BE
Bolivia BO
 Bosnia & Herzegovina BA
Brazil BR
Bulgaria BG
Canada CA
 China CN
Colombia CO
 Croatia HR
 Cyprus CY
 Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
 Estonia EE
Finland FI
France FR
 Georgia GE
Germany DE
 Ghana GH
 Greece GR
Hong Kong HK
 Hungary HU
Iceland IS
 Indonesia ID
 Iran IR
Ireland IE
 Israel IL
 Italy IT
 Japan JP
 Kazakhstan KZ
 Kenya KE
 Kosova XK (internal code)
Kyrgyz Republic KG
 Latvia LV
 Liechtenstein LI
Lithuania LT
 Luxembourg LU
 Macedonia MK
Martinique MQ
 Moldova MD
 Monaco MC
 Netherlands NL
 New Zealand NZ
 Norway NO
 Palestine, State of PS
 Peru PE

 Philippines PH
 Poland PL
Portugal PT
 Romania RO
Russia RU
 Serbia RS
 Singapore SG
Slovakia SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
Spain ES
Sri Lanka LK
 Srpska XS (internal code)
 Sweden SE
 Switzerland CH
Turkey TR
Uganda UG
 Ukraine UA
 United Arab Emirates AE
 United Kingdom GB U.S.A. US
 Venezuela VE


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