The Kingdom of Kantipur
Ratna Malla was the youngest son of Yaksha Malla. He became king of Kantipur in 1568 B.E. (1511 A.D.) He was cou rageous, had patience and was a diplomat of the first order. On his accession to the throne he found himself beset with difficul ties. First, he had to face the danger from twelve Thakuris. How to counteract their growing influence was the problem before Ratna Malla. They were, so to say, the de facto rulers of Kath mandu. They were much more powerful than the king . The king was a puppet in their hands. Ratna Malla invited them to a feast and poisoned them all to death. Now he became all in all. No sooner had he successfully encountered the internal menace, menace from outside posed itself before him. Kantipur was threatened with an invasion by the Bhotias called 'Kaku'. When Ratna Malla saw that he would not be able to face the huge armies of the enemy single-handed, he sought the help of Mukunda Sen, King of Palpa. He defeated the enemies and saved the country...