Japanese Language Facts
An Overview of the History of the Japanese Language Draft 4.0Daniel J. Vogler 20 March 1998 Linguistics 450 Cynthia Hallen An Overview of the History of The Japanese Language Theories have sprung up to explain the origin of the Japanese language until they have become as varied as the seasons. In fact, Roy Miller, a profuse writer and well-respected authority on this language, says with respect to unraveling its ancestry, "Only one [predominant] language of one major nation remains today without clarification of its origins — Japanese" (Miller 1980, 26). In this paper I will explore the major theories attempting to connect Japanese to other known languages, after first presenting some of the changes from Old Japanese to Modern Japanese, including both the written and spoken forms. The Point of Reference: Japanese Today In order to track this journey through the history of the Japanese language, I'll start with the end result: Modern Japanese. Although the spoken lan...